Who we are

The Junior State of America is a student-run organization whose purpose is to "help high school students acquire leadership skills and the knowledge necessary to be effective citizens and voters." Our members participate in debates, fun activities, and various conventions hosted by the JSA organization.

Come, experience what JSA has to offer, and discover the inner workings of our great nation. We encourage you to answer the clarion call of Democracy and rise to combat the raging hordes of political apathy. Let us speak up and address the pressing issues of our generation. Let us learn about the government and the political institutions that drive our nation. Finally, let us understand that Democracy itself is not a spectator sport.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sex Ed Debate

Hey JSAers!

This Wednesday, 4/23, we will be kicking off the semifinals of our student debate tournament in the Career Center at lunch!

Resolved, that a sexual education course be required in a public high school education.

Pro: Gregory Bell, Audrey Frey
Con: Christine Nguyen, Lorden Fok

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