Who we are

The Junior State of America is a student-run organization whose purpose is to "help high school students acquire leadership skills and the knowledge necessary to be effective citizens and voters." Our members participate in debates, fun activities, and various conventions hosted by the JSA organization.

Come, experience what JSA has to offer, and discover the inner workings of our great nation. We encourage you to answer the clarion call of Democracy and rise to combat the raging hordes of political apathy. Let us speak up and address the pressing issues of our generation. Let us learn about the government and the political institutions that drive our nation. Finally, let us understand that Democracy itself is not a spectator sport.

Thursday, February 28, 2008



You are in the company of…

former President Ronald Reagan; UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; pundit Ann Coulter (who wrote a book titled If Democrats had any Brains, they’d be Republicans)

Conservative Quotes

"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."
- President Ronald Reagan

The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopts them.
- author Mark Twain

The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.
- German-American political philosopher Hannah Arendt

Planks of the Conservative Platform*

Government: small government on a tight budget, with few government programs

Abortion: pro-life- the killing of an unborn child is equivalent to murder, on faith or moral grounds

Same-Sex Marriage: supports a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman

Death Penalty: favors capital punishment and other strict punishments for criminals

Immigration: conservatives generally oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants, but immigration is an issue that divides conservatives- some call for border security, some favor the business-friendly method of migrant workers

Environment: strict environmental regulations hurt businesses, believe govt. should use market-based incentives to advance environmental protection; some conservatives believe that global warming has been blown out of proportion

Iraq War: supports as a war on terrorism; must stay despite the lack of “weapons of mass destruction” because the US has a responsibility to ensure stability in the region before leaving

Affirmative Action: opposes what some call “reverse discrimination,” believe it to be counterproductive because affirmative action utilizes the very discrimination it is trying to fight

Economy: free market, lower taxes, pro-business, less govt. intervention in the economy, leading to higher economic freedom

Gun Control: Americans have the right to own guns as per the 2nd amendment

Universal Healthcare: opposes what conservatives call “socialized medicine,” in favor of personal or employer-based healthcare system

Stem-Cell Research: opposes embryonic stem cell research because it destroys human embryos; favors adult stem cell research

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican_Party_%28United_States%29


You are in the company of…

former Presidents George Washington, Woodrow Wilson, and Bill Clinton; Kentucky Representative and Senator Henry Clay, aka “The Great Compromiser”

Moderate Quotes

Political liberty is to be found only in moderate governments.
- French Political Philosopher and Politician Charles de Montesquieu

“The choice we offer is not conservative or liberal. In many ways it’s not even Republican or Democratic. It’s different. It’s new. And it will work.”
- President Bill Clinton

“I was no party man myself, and the first wish of my heart was, if parties did exist, to reconcile them.”
- President George Washington

About the Moderates

A moderate is someone who strives to reach across the aisle and rise above partisanship to beat the gridlock in our government to get things done. Those with conservative or liberal philosophies, therefore, may also be moderates. You have shown your inclination to be a moderate because your political stances draw from both the left and the right. The Moderate Party cannot be described by its political positions, as moderates are across the board on the issues. Here is an excerpt from issue 2 of The Northstar, about the Moderates.

“The Moderate Party is not a political caucus for those with muted convictions, or fluid positions- we feel the same passions and devotion to our caucuses that the Liberals, Conservatives, and Radicals do. In fact, our ranks consist of those with liberal, conservative, or radical mindset, not because they are abandoning the parties that seem to most represent their beliefs, but because they have their over-arching faith in cooperation and American innovation. Moderates are less concerned with partisan labels than we are with progress through agreement. Thus, it is the Moderates who are the truly progressive party . . . Not only is moderation an important value in the United States, where the overwhelming majority of our citizens characterize themselves as moderates, but also it is hugely significant throughout the world, where the Palestinians and Israelis must demand moderation and compromise from their leaders, and in Iraq, where true victory for the Americans and Iraqi people will come in the form of a moderate government. Moderation turns the wheels of civilization.”- NorCal Moderate Party Chair Jaya Wen and Secretary Sam Dulik

Moderation in History

Statesman Henry Clay’s compromises in a time of slavery- the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850

President Bill Clinton’s welfare reform, a result of a Democratic president and Republican Congress working together


You are in the company of…

former Presidents Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt; Founding Father George Washington; Former Vice President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore

Liberal Quotes

"Of all the varieties of virtues, liberalism is the most beloved."
- Aristotle

“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”
–George Washington

What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label ‘Liberal?’ . . . If by a ‘Liberal’ they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'Liberal,' then I'm proud to say I'm a 'Liberal.'"
–John F. Kennedy

Planks of the Liberal Platform*

Government: large government on a loose budget, with many government programs

Abortion: pro-choice – the right to have an abortion should be a woman’s decision and not mandated by the government.

Same-Sex Marriage: liberals are somewhat divided on this issue; most support civil unions between same-sex couples or favor legalized same-sex marriage, while some oppose on religious grounds. However, liberals are against discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Death Penalty: many favor capital punishment

Immigration: liberals generally oppose government acts to stop immigrants from coming into the United States, such as border patrol. However, this complex issue leaves many Democrats divided on whether illegal immigrants have the right to obtain a drivers’ license or become citizens. Most support a legalization plan and oppose the deportation of illegal immigrants.

Environment: liberals believe the government should play a role in preserving the environment by passing laws to ensure that people have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. Cleaner environment = stronger economy

Iraq War: liberals generally oppose the Iraq War. Support a military funded legislation including a provision that set “a timeline for withdrawal of all US combat troops from Iraq that was recently vetoed by President George Bush.

Affirmative Action: Although liberals support “equal opportunity” for all Americans regardless of sex, age, race, etc., liberals support affirmative action as a way to redress past discrimination (i.e.: slavery, women’s rights) and ensure equal employment regardless of ethnicity and gender.

Economy: more government controlled economy; higher taxes for those with a larger income; more government spending on federal programs

Gun Control: Liberals favor gun control, but some (mainly those from rural areas) favor less restrictions on firearm possession

Universal Healthcare: call for “Medicare for all,” and “affordable and quality health care.” The government should create and expand a national health insurance system so everyone is covered, regardless of income and medical background.

Stem-Cell Research: supports federally funded embryonic stem cell research

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Party_(United_States)


(note: no one actually turned out radical in our activity, but we put this here for your enjoyment and expansion of personal knowledge)

You are in the company of…

Peacemaker Mahatma Ghandhi, Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King, Jr., former President Abraham Lincoln

Radical Quotes

"When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

"By 'radical,' I understand one who goes too far; by 'conservative,' one who does not go far enough; by 'reactionary,' one who won't go at all."
-Woodrow Wilson

"Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess."
-Oscar Wilde

Planks of the Radical Platform

See liberals (above) and think of an extreme version of their views. For example:

Abortion: Any woman of any age should be given the right to have an abortion at any time during a woman’s pregnancy, up to when the woman is in labor.

And yeah…

Monday, February 25, 2008

DEBATE at SPRING STATE!!!!!!!! (that rhymes!)

It's approaching that time when we're getting ready to attend Spring State 2008! In case you don't know, the Northern California JSA hosts 3 regional overnight conventions every year and Spring State is the last one this year! At every convention, JSA chapters from all around Northern California, Nevada, and Utah come to a hotel for a week of fun debates, thought talks, and fun activities. Our last convention, Winter Congress, took place in Sacramento and 9 of our members had the privilege of attending the convention.

We'll be handing out brochures and giving you more information in the very near future, so make sure you come to our meetings if you're interested.

In the mean time, here are the debate topics that you can sign up for if you want to debate at Spring State. Remember, you can either be a main speaker (who speaks the opening and closing statement) or a subsequent (who gets a 3 minute speech). If you wish to be a main speaker, PLEASE CONTACT US ASAP so we can get you that spot! If you would like to moderate, also contact us! Come to a meeting or email milpitasjsa@gmail.com.

  1. Resolved, that Social Security be abolished and individuals assume responsibility for their retirement.
  2. Resolved, that the employing of an illegal immigrant should be a felony.
  3. Resolved, that the United States block terrorist-sponsored websites.
  4. Resolved, that the Electoral College proportionally reflect the popular vote of each state.
  5. Resolved, that a national primary system replace the current United States primary system.
  6. Resolved, that presidential campaigns be publicly funded.
  7. Resolved, that the United States pass a constitutional amendment mandating a balanced budget.
  8. Resolved, that lobbyists harmfully influence the legislative process.
  9. Resolved, that the United States financially aid Mexico to create greater employment opportunities.
  10. Resolved, that the current Bush Administration has overstepped the powers of the executive branch.
  11. Resolved, that a single-payer universal healthcare system be implemented in the United States.
  12. Resolved, that the United States remove all investments in the Musharraf government in Pakistan.
  13. Resolved, that the United States news media has a definite bias.
  14. Resolved, that water-boarding is a necessary form of torture.
  15. Resolved, that the United States would benefit from the election of a third-party candidate in November.
  16. Resolved, that the United States make a goal of putting a man on Mars within the next ten years.
  17. Historic Debate: Resolved, that the Continental Congress declare the American colonies' independence from England.
  18. Historic Debate: Resolved, that the Civil War is the second American Revolution.
  19. Historic Debate: Resolved, that President Truman's order to drop atomic bombs on Japan is justified.
  20. Historic Debate: Resolved, that President Nixon engage in diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China.
Thought Talks:
  1. Who would make the best president in this next election?
  2. How is Islam characterized or mischaracterized by the media?
  3. Which First Lady has been most influential?
  4. Has democracy proven to be the best form of government?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hillary Lashes out at Obama, again

As you all might have heard, the Democratic campaign race is getting heated. With Obama leading, the March 4th primaries in Ohio and Texas are crucial to Hillary's campaign. The race is getting hot, with accusations of all sorts--including plagiarism--flying. In the latest battle, Hillary lashes out at Obama for spreading false fliers about her campaign stances on health care and NAFTA.

Obama "is continuing to send false and discredited mailings with information that is not true to the voters of Ohio," Clinton said, visibly angry. (You can read the article here.)

Furthermore, Obama is being heavily criticized for skipping out on the State of the Black Union. (Read about it here.)

Well, enough of this political propaganda. I urge you all to read CNN's overview of the candidates and the issues. Does the candidate you support represent the issues you care about? (JSA's recent mock primary indicates that most of you support Obama.)

Lastly, as a Hillary supporter, I must add in this tidbit: Obama's stances on almost every issue is vague and inconsistent. Hillary's stances, though I disagree with a few, are at least firm and backed by experience and knowledge.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Where do you fit in the political spectrum?

Hi JSAers!

The Wednesday we get back from break, 2/27, JSA will be hosting an awesome activity during its lunchtime meeting in the Career Center: "Where do you fit in the political spectrum?" This event is an interactive way for you to find out just how conservative or liberal you are- your results may surprise you! We will even deliver your results to you! JSAers and nonJSAers alike are invited to this super-fun event!

By the way, please note that our new club location is the Career Center.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Debate Topic: Our Trade Deficit

I've recently stumbled onto some articles discussing the current U.S. trade deficit with China. Just to warn you, this post will be biased against the trade deficit; so keep an open mind.

So, this January 2005 article published by a U.S. commission specializing in the our trade with China talks about how this imbalance of trade causes a detrimental effect on our economy. The title description reads: "Study Documents Negative Impact of U.S. Trade Deficit with China. Job losses hit all states, high-tech industry, U.S.-China commission says." This claim was backed up by statistics that showed "that 1.5 million jobs were lost to lower-wage Chinese competition in the 14-year period between 1989 and 2003. During that time, the U.S. trade deficit with China rose twenty-fold, from $6.2 billion to $124 billion. It is expected to increase another 20 percent in 2004, to $150 billion."

Some blame our trade deficit on our corporation's lack of competitiveness and some say that this is the path the economy must take; the free market at work here. No, that is not true. The free market is being tainted here by Chinese government intervention. A February 2008 Chicago Tribune article describes the main issue: China's ascension could lead to a backlash in Congress, where lawmakers complain that China gives subsidies to aid its producers at the expense of U.S. companies and workers. "Trade protectionism will rise," said Ha Jiming, chief economist at China International Capital Corp. in Hong Kong.

Not only has China lowered the value of its currency to entice our consumers to buy their cheaper stuff, they're giving their companies money to be more competitive than ours. Is this Laissez Faire? Absolutely not. Is this unfair? You betcha!

So what does the trade deficit do? First of all, it causes our workers to lose jobs to low-wage workers elsewhere. Second, it allows more foreign companies to invest in our nation, which is actually bad because foreign firms will own our debt and control our economy (second visual aid at top). The deficit is not, however, limited to China; there are major trade deficits to Mexico, Japan, and oil-rich countries in the hostile middle east.

So what does this mean? Should we boycott companies like Walmart that buy almost exclusively from China, make huge profits by exploiting cheap labor in China, marginalize health care and social security benefits to its employees, and destroy most small businesses in areas where their businesses are set up? I say yes. Should we buy all-American? Yes, when we can; I realize that due to finances, we have to juggle our money carefully and thus, buying cheap products from China may sometimes be necessary. One last thing: I need to clarify that I don't want to stop trade with China completely, I just advocate a favorable trade balance.

So, this is where you come in. Do you have any thoughts on this issue? Do you disagree with my argument? Do you want JSA to host a debate on this issue? We encourage you to speak about it at the next meeting, or write a comment.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

The JSA Blog Kicks Off

We're trying something new this year by creating a JSA blog; this will allow our local members to view the JSA calendar, view important messages from the club, and directly contact officers and other members through the tagboard. It's a new idea and hopefully, it makes our operation more efficient.